About me

Me as the writer of this blog grew up in a small village in Europe and raised up by both parents with Arabic roots. I am a mixed product of Western Arabic cultured second degree immigrant, who imaged my life in a two pictured-view. In my early days and even at this moment I am still in the process of getting to know myself better and think this is a lifetime thing for everyone. Nowadays I do know I am a body-soul, not belonging to a certain culture, religion nor a specific kind of view. I am changeable, versatile, charged with a spirit mind and getting my knowlegde from every kind. For me the dynamic nature of life is something I still need to accept. Everything changes: feelings, circumstances and the fases of life where we are in. My blog wayoflifeblogspot.wordpress.com shows short stories about common topics in life we might relate to or just showing another perspective of thoughts that we haven’t seen it as before. Stories are written from my personal perspective from different chapters, life fases and also thoughts passing by in my daily experiences.